USB Secure

Password Protect USB Drive

How To Password Protect Your USB Sticks

USB Flash Drives are a must have gadget for computer users as this is the most convenient way to carry data. This convenience comes with security issues as well. If you are carrying some important presentations, financial data, marketing campaigns data or other important files then I would recommend to password protect the same. Once you will password protect your flash drive , it will ask for the set password when someone will try to open the drive on other computer.

Rohos Mini Drive creates hidden and encrypted partition on the USB flash drive memory. You work with the files on the hidden partition without opening a special program. Those who have megabytes of sensitive files on the USB drive and seriously concerned with a data security, cannot imagine their USB stick without the hidden volume that is created using this tool.

USB Locker is a strong portable drive protection application for all kind of USB drives including flash drives, thumb drives, memory cards and external drives. USB Locker offers you unparalleled protection across multiple platforms including Mac, Windows and password protect usb drive Linux. Some high lighted features are: Matchless Portable device protection. Single Click Protection. Cross Platform Protection. Protection against Data leak. Secure all portable drives Convenient to Use. Data Recovery with Master Key. Hack Attempt Security.

First and foremost, the thing is to figure out your requirements that what level of security you want for your flash drive. For the highest level of security you can use file and folder encryption software like Folder Lock that uses advanced encryption standard 256-bit encryption which the most secure level of data security and if you want simple way to password protect USB drive you can choose among many USB locking software.

When you insert the memory stick, you'll be prompted for the password. If when prompted for the password, you put a check in the box next to Remember the Password in My Keychain, you'll never be prompted for the password again on that computer. However, if it's inserted into another Mac, the password prompt will appear. Therefore, you'll have a USB memory stick that-essentially-works seamlessly on your computer but whose data is inaccessible to anyone else.


Password Protect USB Drive
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